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  • SCUBE®


    SCUBE® is a electric vehicule whose bodywork are in flax reinforcement composites.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Bi-axial Flax/PP reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 2x45° reinforcement made by an intimate blend of flax fibers and polypropylene fibers. The blend is composed by 60 % of PP fibers and 40 % of flax fibers in volume. Several weights are available. For specify request, contact us.
    Last update 01/03/2017
  • Vegetan FL

    Givaudan Active Beauty

    Vegetan FL is a very pure liquid form of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) obtained by biotechnology from renewable vegetal ressources. This ecoresponsible self-tanning active ingredient gives a perfect glow to the skin.
    Last update 31/10/2013
  • BIOPLAST 500

    Biotec GmbH

    BIOPLAST 500 is a plasticizer-free, thermoplastic material that contains natural potato starch and other biologically sourced polymers. The biobased carbon share of the entire formulation exceeds 50%.
    Last update 19/02/2014
  • AXIL and XILIX, Bio-based Solutions for wood


    AXIL and XILIX, fungicide, insecticidal wood preservative bio-based products
    Last update 13/01/2023