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  • FibriCard


    Fibricard is a lightweight 100% biobased thermoset composite. Made from FibriPreg (prepreg of flax fibres and bioresin) in association with honeycomb paper core, its sandwich structure provides exceptional mechanical strength.
    Last update 27/02/2014


    TWINFLAX® is a technical fabric in natural flax fibre designed from non-coated twisted strands.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Aqueous emulsion of natural oils and resins plant

    Derivery SAS

    Emulsion from natural oils unprocessed (not alkyds, without ethoxylated surfactants) for formulation of matt and satin decorative indoor paints.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • FibriPlast


    FibriPlast is a range of nonwoven felts especially dedicated to thermocompression moulding.
    FibriPlast products are composed of a natural reinforcement fibre in association with a thermoplastic matrix (PP).
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Biosuccinium™


    Biosuccinium™ is a sustainable succinic acid, produced via fermentation of renewable resources.
    The development of Biosuccinium™ succinic acid will drive a portfolio of more renewable, bio-based sustainable products.
    Last update 19/02/2014