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FibriMat LCM
Fibrimat LCM is a range of 100% biosourced reinforcement mats developed for composite applications.Last update 13/02/2015 -
Bi-axial Flax/PP reinforcement
TDL Technique / Terre de Lin
Bi-axial 2x45° reinforcement made by an intimate blend of flax fibers and polypropylene fibers. The blend is composed by 60 % of PP fibers and 40 % of flax fibers in volume. Several weights are available. For specify request, contact us.Last update 01/03/2017 -
DETERMEX 100, multi-purpose cleaner
MEXEL Industries
DETERMEX 100 is a multi-use cleaner effective on all outdoor and indoor surfaces.Last update 11/12/2013 -
Last update 15/03/2021
NaturePlast NP EL 003
NP EL 003 polymer is a biodegradable (under EN13432 norm) and food contact approved elastomer compound and is specifically designed for injection moulding applications.Last update 20/08/2013