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  • ecovio® F 2341, ecovio® F 23B1


    Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound for thin flexible film applications like T-Shirt bags or Organic waste bags (OWB)
    Last update 07/12/2018


    Sepiclear G7™ is a concentrated non-ionic surfactant that is readily biodegradable.
    Sepiclear G7™ solubilises hydrophobic compounds, notably essential oils, perfumes and vitamin E, in aqueous media.
    Last update 08/12/2020
  • Pavaroof


    Our PAVAROOF® process is the first patented and ATEX approved biosourced thermal insulation system for flat roofs.
    Last update 30/11/2021
  • Sorona® renewably sourced fiber


    Whether it is textile fibers and fabrics for home interiors and apparel, carpeting, or a variety of packaging applications such as films, sealants, foams, and rigid containers, Sorona® imparts distinctive, value-added characteristics.
    Last update 04/09/2013
  • Natural fibres based compounds

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Formulated from polymers of wide diffusion such as PE, PP and PVC, the compounds are reinforced with 20% to 50% fiber or powder from flax, hemp, miscanthus and wood.
    Last update 21/08/2013