Chemistry (formulation, synthesis)

Chemical intermediates for specialty products and commodities
Formulation additives (cosmetics, paints, plastics, etc.)

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  • Radianol 4713 - Bio propylene glycol


    Propylene glycol is a solvent used in many applications. For example as anti-freeze, as a humectant in cosmetics, as an emulsifier in food, etc..
    Last update 19/12/2013
  • GREEN, plant fractions

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    GREEN is a range of plant fractions, for the load or the reinforcement of thermoplastic composites. This range is suitable for injection and extrusion processes.
    Last update 27/10/2011


    Greenway® Solar -30°C is a ready-to-use heat transfer fluid based on 1.3-Propanediol (Bio-PDO™) and organic long-duration corrosion inhibitors. The raw material used, 1.3 Propanediol, comes from renewable plant-based materials. It avoids the "tarring" of solar thermal panels (flate plate or vacuum).
    Last update 25/09/2013
  • n-Heptanol


    n-Heptanol can be used as a synthesis intermediate for fragrances and flavors manufacture, and for polymer plasticizers.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • LINEA Sport and Nature Natural tracing on grass

    Derivery SAS

    Natural paint to dilute for drawing on sports grassed fields , based on a water emulsion of linseed oil
    Formula controlled by Ecocert Greenlife
    Last update 20/08/2013